Sunday, August 26, 2007


Have you ever felt that you've always been at the top of your game and nothing can stop you from doing the things that you want to do? Well, I did and that was years ago. It was a time that I experimented with a lot of things and I was brave and adventurous. I don't know what happend to me now.

At present, I'm just preoccupied about what jobs should I take and I'm thinking of relocating again in a place I left a decade ago.

I enjoy being with my family back here in my home country but I can't depend on them for the rest of my life. I have to think of my own future.

How I love to be back at a time where I was carefree travelling and just watch the sunset.

Until then...

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I am a Christian and I am proud of being one. I try to maintain an open mind but sometimes I am also guilty of being a hypocrite myself.

I had an argument with my mom this week regarding the dvds she's watching and it's about a certain televangelist. I don't have a problem with preachers who practices what they preach and living a life of "righteousness". What I don't like is those preachers who talks about condemnation and judging other people's lives while they on the otherhand are living with skeletons in their closets. What's worse is that they use the name of God in vain to gain people's trust. These so-called preachers are also generating millions of money from their so-called ministries; it is ok if their giving it away to the poor and disadvantaged but if they are just pocketing the money and making themselves rich then, it is morally wrong.

I hope these so-called televangelists would realize that they are not only accountable for their actions here on earth but to "God who sees all things as naked and open". No one escapes the truth, in the end it will be revealed.