Thursday, July 21, 2011

Korean Food

       There is something about Korean food that makes my palate melt. When I go to a Korean restaurant, they would give me and my friend different kinds of kimchi as an appetizer and we would certainly ask them more for a refill. By the time our main main dish would be served, we are almost full but somehow the spicy ingredients from their food makes our appetite bigger.

        There is one particular restaurant in Korea town that was called Koreano Restaurant; my friends and I always go there for good food but since the location is far from the main street, we found out one day that the restaurant was already closed. Nowadays, we are trying different Korean restaurants but nothing pales in comparison with the Koreano Restaurant. We surely miss it.

Contact Sports

As a kid, I wanted to learn Karate. I don't know why, I just liked it. I used to watched martial arts film or something that looked like it. Jacky Chan was my favorite. I didn't know that he was a stunt man. I thought he was really a Kung fu or Karate expert it seemed that he was. Then again, I was just a kid and I didn't know how to distinguish what is Karate from Kung-fu or just plain stunts.

Now that I'm older and somehow I was able to save some money to learn boxing and Muay Thai. At first, I didn't like boxing because the training was too tiring and I thought at first that it was boring; but I like the discipline that comes along with it and after a month of training, I also learned Muay Thai. I figured I should learn first how to box before going to Muay Thai and it paved the way. I could do some hard punches and now I'm polishing my power kicks so to speak.

Learning this kind of sport amazing. I get up each day looking forward to do my training. It feels good doing weight training, running and the like. I have this confidence that I couldn't explain.

Through my urging, I managed to convince my brother, my three nephews and my niece to learn Muay Thai; so, it became a family thing. I couldn't be more happier.